A chilly day for our Unified Track Event but the students had so much fun! The event kicked off with the Torch Run. Fans from all elementary schools were in attendance, along with parents & staff. Thank you to Becky Pear & Special Olympics IN for putting this event together!
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
landis attendees
torch run
wheelchair dash
On May 9 the LEA hosted their Annual Recognition Dinner- honoring those with 25+ years of service and retirees. Our corporation is blessed to have so many wonderful employees. Thank you for your years of service and dedication to our schools!
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
list of 25 year and retirees
retirees and 25 years of service
Logansport Football Summer Camp for grades 3-9, happening July 29-Aug 1 at Logansport Memorial Hospital Stadium. Register for camp by completing a registration form found at your schools main office or follow this link: http://bit.ly/lcscfootball
almost 6 years ago, Bailey Record
football camp
LHS Girls' Basketball Program will be hosting a summer basketball camp. The camp is held May 28-May 31. This camp is available for girls in grades 1-8 who are interested in improving their basketball skills. Registration forms can be found in any buildings main office.
almost 6 years ago, Bailey Record
youth basektball
If you see an LCSC employee this week, take a few moments to thank them for all they do! Happy Teacher and Staff Appreciation week!
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
teacher and staff appreciation
Did you know our app allows you to see a calendar of events happening at each school? Let our app help you stay organized and up to date on all the things going on at LCSC! Download the app today on Android: http://bit.ly/2F0Qp8l or iPhone: https://apple.co/2qHuZVs
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
Today is the last day to submit a nomination for the Crystal Berry Awards for the 18-19 school year. Follow the links below to submit your nominations! Support Staff Nomination Form: https://bit.ly/2FIey3v Educator of the Year nomination form: https://bit.ly/2OuZHw6
almost 6 years ago, Bailey Record
Have you viewed the LCSC Facebook page recently? We are doing a Berry Swag Basket giveaway! The winner will be announced tomorrow morning (4/26). Visit our Facebook to learn more about how to enter to win!
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
almost 6 years ago, Bailey Record
v camp
LCSC is #RedForEd
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
Admin Red for Ed
LES Red for Ed
FES Red for Ed
We’re thrilled to announce our new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2F0Qp8l or iPhone: https://apple.co/2qHuZVs .
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
Nominations are now being accepted for Logansport Educator of the Year & Support Staff Member of the Year. Support Staff Nomination Form: https://bit.ly/2FIey3v Educator of the Year nomination form: https://bit.ly/2OuZHw6
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
$15 Athletic Physicals for LCSC students in grades 5-11 on April 2, 2019. Please preregister & pay in the Athletic Office. Prepay students seen from 3:15pm-4:30pm. Walk-ins will be seen from 4:30pm-6:00pm. Must have physical forms and consent to treatment forms signed by parent.
almost 6 years ago, LCSC
Kindergarten Registration will be April 9 from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm in at all LCSC elementary school. Your child must be 5 by August 1 st . Must bring their legal birth certification and immunization records. You must also take your child to the school in your home district.
almost 6 years ago, LCSC